PCI-friendly Journals

PCI-friendly journals declare three types of commitment concerning PCI assessments:

  • They agree to accept, without further peer review, any manuscript recommended by a PCI meeting any additional procedural requirements not requiring further scientific evaluation by the journal. Such additional requirements may include compatibility with a defined disciplinary scope.

Peer Community Journal

Peer J


  • They agree to the following commitment: Following the submission of a PCI-recommended article, the PCI-friendly journal will provide the authors with one of the three following responses within a short specified reply time (e.g. 5 days):
  1. Acceptance with minor modifications, with no further peer review,
  2. Need for further peer review before decision,
  3. Not interested.

Animal Welfare

Veterinary Research


  • They consider submissions of articles recommended by a PCI and they may use PCI reviews and recommendations for their own review processes, if appropriate.


Animal Microbiome

Canadian Journal of Animal Science

Genetics Selection Evolution

Italian Journal of Animal Science


Click here to learn more about PCI-friendly journals and to find the list of PCI-friendly journals